Let’s Compare And Contrast Koa and Express

Salitha Ekanayaka
6 min readApr 10, 2021
Source: Raygun.com

In order to learn about KoaJs and ExpressJS first, we have to learn what NodeJS is because both Koa and Express are web frameworks that are running on NodeJS.


Source: Ourcodeworld.com

First of all, NodeJS is not a programming language or a framework. NodeJS is an open-source, cross-platform runtime environment that is created from JavaScript that runs on V8 engines. Since it is a runtime environment, most frameworks run on NodeJs in order to build back-end services like Apis, Web Apps, and Mobile Apps. Due to the use of event-driven and non-blocking I/O model Nodejs become more efficient and lightweight.

ExpressJs, KoaJs, NestJs, and SailsJs are some of the frameworks that run on NodeJS


Source: Medium

KoaJs is an open-source backend web application framework that runs on a NodeJS environment. The same creators of ExpressJS are maintaining the KoaJS also. Due to its minimal and flexible features, we can have a set of features that are needed for web and mobile applications. When comparing to other frameworks that run on NodeJS, this is the most popular web framework. This framework aims for becoming smaller, more expensive and to have a strong foundation for web applications and APIs.

Koa uses asynchronous functions to allow you to eliminate callbacks and increase the efficiency of error handling and Koa does not bundle any middleware within its core. It provides an elegant suite of methods that make writing servers fast and enjoyable.


Source: express

ExpressJS is a free, open-source backend web application framework which is created by a developer called TJ Holowaychuk. This also runs on NodeJS and same as KoaJs this also has some features needed for web and mobile applications because of its minimal and flexible properties. This is described as a Sinatra-inspired server because it is relatively minimal with many features as plugins. This enables the user to multiple HTTP requests at a specific URL. This also used to create APIs and due to its myriad of HTTP methods and middleware at disposal creating API is become easier.

Source: medium

Express is a popular backend component for full-stack development like MERN and MEAN stacks. Together with front-end JavaScript frameworks like React and Angular with MongoDB database following NodeJS runtime ExpressJS became the backend framework for those stacks.

Now let’s compare and contrast KoaJS and Express JS

Source: Raygun


In order to install express and koa, we need to npm (node package manager)


When the npm package installed, we can install express using commands

There are two ways to install express

  1. Installing express permanently (After installing express will added to dependency list)

2. Installing express Temporary (After installing express will not be added to dependency list)

In order to call methods of express, we have to import the express module


Same as ExpressJS, KoaJS need to install Node.JS. Here Koa requires node v7.6.0 or higher version for ES2015 following with async function.

In order to call methods of koa, we have to import the koa module


When we compare Koa and Express performance-wise Koa is more ahead of Express. This is because in koa we can stop using callbacks, it deals with errors very quickly as well as koa is a very lightweight framework.

Below shows the performance request per second for the “Hello World” app

Source: https://nodesource.com/blog/Express-Koa-Hapi
Source: https://nodesource.com/blog/Express-Koa-Hapi

But there are best practices that can be used for improving the performance of both frameworks


  • Use asynchronous APIs
  • Keep codes small and light
  • Use gzip compression


  • Use gzip compression
  • Don’t use synchronous functions
  • Handle exception properly, using try-catch or promises


Source: systango

When compared to Koa Express became more popular in the community (This is compared with Github starts and Downloads per week). This is because beginners are more comfortable using Express. This is due to the trend of building native applications.


Source: Stock investor

Let’s discuss the advantages of KoaJs and ExpressJs

Advantages of ExpressJS

  • Very stable Node.js web middleware
  • Flexible and scalable
  • Fast app development
  • Fully customizable
  • supported by extensive documentation
  • has excellent community backup
  • Enough resources to debug
  • Easy to integration
  • Don’t need multiple dependencies to cover the framework

Advantages Koa

  • Koa improves interoperability, robustness, and enjoyability of middleware
  • Koa is very lightweight with 500 lines of codes
  • Has a large number of helpful methods with small footnotes
  • Has a very good user experience
  • Better error handling through try/catch
  • Generated-based control flow
  • Cleaner, more readable async code


Source: www.brid.tv

Even though there are advantages we have to consider disadvantages of those also

Disadvantages of Express

  • There should be a clear environment to avoid problems when maintaining the codes
  • When the codebase increases refactoring becomes cumbersome
  • A lot of manual labor is required due to the creation of endpoints
  • It doesn’t have any built-in error handling like Koa and Hapi

Disadvantages of Koa

  • The open-source community around Koa is relatively small
  • Not compatible with Express-style middleware
  • Generators used for Koa not compatible with other middlewares of NodeJS frameworks

Final Thoughts

As we discussed earlier Koa and Express are backend frameworks which mostly used on mobile and web applications. When comparing those two frameworks both frameworks are best in each of their areas.

When you consider Koa,

Koa is cleaner than express and performance-wise more ahead than it. When considering the asynchronous performance, Koa has async/await support for asynchronous flow also. For a person who needs a simple reference for a framework as a footnote, Koa is the best choice to make


Express is lightweight and minimalist and Express is more popular than Koa since, for a person who needs a complete framework without having multiple dependencies, express is the best

Therefore even though we cannot say Express or the Koa is the best when comparing various features of them


For more information, you can refer below links





